| | homeTHE REAL SELF | PART 04 OF 14 | IWGR I RAMA राम
" You are not the body , not the ears , not the nose , not the eyes , nothing of the kind . What are you then ? "
Now the youth began to reflect , and said ,
" Well , well , I am the mind , I am the mind , I must be the mind . "
" Is that so indeed ? "
The question was put to that youth .
" Now , can you tell me how many bones you have got in your body ? Can you tell where the food lies in your body that you took this morning ? "
The youth could make no answer , and these words escaped the lips ,
" Well , my intellect does not reach that . I have not read that . I have not yet read anything of physiology or anatomy . My brain does not catch it , my mind cannot comprehend it . "
Now it was asked ,
" Dear heir , O good youth , you say your mind cannot comprehend it , your intellect cannot reach up to that , your brain cannot understand this . By making these remarks you confess and admit that the brain is yours , the mind is yours , the intellect is yours . Well , if the intellect is yours , you are not the intellect . If the mind is yours , you are not the mind . If the brain is yours , you are not the brain . These very words of yours show that you are the master of the intellect , the owner of the brain and the ruler of the mind . You are not the mind , the intellect or the brain .
What are you ? Think , think , please . Be more careful and let us know correctly what you are . Then will GOD be just brought to you , and you will see GOD , you will be introduced directly into the presence of GOD . Please tell us what you are . "
The youth began to think , and thought and thought but could not go further .
The youth said , " My intellect , my mind cannot , reach further . "
Oh , how true are these words ! Indeed the mind or the intellect cannot reach the true Divinity or GOD within .
The real Self , the true GOD is beyond the reach of words and minds .
The youth was asked to sit down for a while and meditate upon what the intellect had reached so far .
" I am not the body ; I am not the mind . "