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The suggestion of a particular kind of Yoga that is made by the Mandukya Upanishad is the recitation of Pranava or Omkara . It has a simple way , a very easy means of meditation to tell us , not complicated ― the recitation of Pranava .

OM is the Pranava or the Omkar which is a blend of three syllables , letters ― A , U , M . A-U-M becomes OM . When we chant OM , when we articulate the vocal organ in the recitation of OM , all the parts of the vocal organ act simultaneously in such a way that they may be supposed to be uttering every letter at that time . All language is supposed to be included in OM because of this reason . All the articulatory process takes place in the recitation of OM , if we can properly observe it .

The Visva , as I mentioned , is the name given to the waking consciousness . Dreaming consciousness is called Taijasa , sleeping consciousness is called Prajna . The transcendental consciousness is the Atman . So , Visva , Taijasa , Prajna and Atman are the designations of the very same consciousness involved in the physical body and physical sensations , involved in dream perception , involved in sleep , and not involved in anything . In a way , the letters of the Mantra OM ― A , U , M ― are identified by the Mandukya Upanishad with these three states ; A is waking , U is dreaming , M is sleeping and OM is Atman .

"OM is the name of the Ultimate Reality " , says Patanjali in the Sutra . The name of GOD is OM ― It has no other name .

As GOD is all-pervading , Its name also should be all-inclusive . We do not call It ka ka , ga ga , abcd . It is an inarticulate universalised vibration . It is not actually a letter or a word , but a vibration .

OM is to be chanted for the sake of the removal of this dross accumulated in our psyche in the form of impressions of past Karmas .

Merge waking in dream , merge dream in sleep and merge sleep in the Atman . Draw the consciousness gradually from waking to dream ― that is to say , draw it from the waking body consciousness to the psychological consciousness , and from that to the sleep consciousness .

How do we do this ?

In the beginning we have to be seated in a suitable posture and slowly articulate this beautiful name of GOD , which is OM or Pranav .

The scripture says that , in the beginning , the Vedas did not exist . In the Krita Yuga , the golden age as we call it , the Vedas did not exist ; only Pranava existed . That religion was not Hinduism , Christianity , etc .

Hamsa was the name of the religion of Krita Yuga . Hamsa means just love of GOD . It is not love through some " ism " ― this community or that community ― no communities existed in Krita Yuga . It was total human loving total GOD , and OM was considered as inclusive of all the three Vedas .

From Akara , Ukara and Makara , Prajapati is supposed to have extracted the Rig Veda , Yajur Veda and Sama Veda . The three Padas of the Gayatri Mantra are supposed to be extractions of the three Vedas , and are also supposed to be embedded in A-U-M , so that all the Veda is inside OM ― all three Vedas .

To practice this meditation according to the Mandukya Upanishad , be seated properly , without distractions , and chant

Aauuuummmmm .

Take a deep breath and then chant

Aaauuuuummmmmmm , Aaauuuuummmmmmm , Aaauuuuummmmmmm , Aaauuuuummmmmmm , Aaauuuuummmmmmm .

When you recite OM like this , dont you feel a sense of satisfaction inside ? In a few seconds you will feel the difference . You feel as if you are a different person altogether . You are not the same body ; you were not even aware of that body for two seconds . It was melting , as it were , gradually melting .

Every day practice this chant for fifteen minutes , in the morning and in the evening . You will feel as if the body is melting . Actually , physically , it may not melt ; the sensation of melting may arise on account of the withdrawal of consciousness from the body . It will withdraw itself from even the mind , and it will withdraw itself from even your personality consciousness .

By the chant of OM only you can enter into the bliss of the Atman , is the teaching of the Mandukya Upanishad . All Yogas are combined in this .

So do this practice yourself when you are alone somewhere , under the tree , or at the Ganga , or at the temple , or in your room ― wherever you are .

Sit for a few minutes and chant in the same way as I told you , with a sonorous sound , beautifully , calmly , creating an equilibrated vibration in your personality . You will forget all your worries ; you will feel happy inside . You will feel a tingling sensation in the body , as if the consciousness is slowly getting withdrawn from body .

This is the practice of the Yoga of the Mandukya Upanishad . GOD bless you .