| | homeDear ones , if you want to set your heart on anything other than GOD , pray , do not do so . All the worldly objects are ephemeral and perishable .
RAMA राम : THE TEACHINGS | IN WOODS OF GOD REALIZATION | IWGR | I COME , BLAZING LIGHT ! & THE SHADOWS MUST FLEE . | I am determined to thunder out in your bosom my GODhead , your GODhead , and proclaim it through every deed and movement . | Have you a doubt as to your own Divine Self ? You had better a bullet in your heart than a doubt there . Does your heart fail you ? Pluck it out and cast it from you . Dare to laugh and launch into the Truth . Are you afraid ? Afraid of what ? Of GOD ? Nonsense : Of humans ? Cowardice : Of the Elements ? Dare them : Of yourself ? Know Thyself ; Say I am GOD . RAMA TRUTH
Dear ones , if you want to set your heart on anything other than GOD , pray , do not do so . All the worldly objects are ephemeral and perishable .
Read More ➤➤GOD remains the same , and is only one , only one , only one , no duality , no plurality . O , what wonder of wonders !
Read More ➤➤Renunciation means making everything holy .
Read More ➤➤Vedanta requires you to get rid of this lower nature , this ignorance . Burn this ignorance , burn this lower egoism , burn this lower selfish nature which makes a hell of your body and let in the fire of knowledge .
Read More ➤➤In your deep sleep state this world is not present ; nor it is present in the dreamland ; there is only dreamlessness . When you wake up , you say that in that deep sleep state is present nothing , nothing , nothing .
Read More ➤➤The subject of tonight's discourse is very abstruse , very difficult . Only those will be able to follow it thoroughly who are already somewhat acquainted with Philosophy . To Rama it makes no difference whether all of you go away fatigued and disgusted , or the whole world comes to listen .
In common language , in the language of other philosophers and theologians , the question is , " Why should this world exist at all ? Why should GOD have created this world ? "
If you are given a mathematical problem and are asked to draw a conclusion , all the premises , the whole hypothesis you will have to consider . How can you solve a problem correctly when you take up only a part of the data ?
Vedanta requires you to get rid of this lower nature , this ignorance . Burn this ignorance , burn this lower egoism , burn this lower selfish nature which makes a hell of your body and let in the fire of knowledge .
Rama has written in simple language , the ordinary thoughts and ideas that satisfy the mind and show the Divine Vision to the writer both within and without . The whole world shining like the diamond is becoming the Divine Ocean .
IWGR | TOC | VOL I | Happiness Within | Expansion Of Self | The Infinite In The Finite | The Sun Of Self On The Wall Of Mind | The Real Self | Sin : Its Relation To Atman | Prognosis & Diagnosis Of Sin
OM! GOD ALONE EXISTS . GOD ALONE IS REALITY . The GOD-Centric Religion SATYAVEDISM . OM! True Religion Is Being GOD . || SSSV 46.16 || OM! Science Is Worship Of The Manifestation ( OMNIVERSE ) Of GOD That Is GOD Within GOD The Absolute . || SSSV 44.2 || OM! Religion and Science must merge in GOD . LANGUAGE must evolve to Think and Speak GOD . || SSSV 34.8-9 || OM! Language Must Evolve To Represent The Truth & Reality Of GOD . || SSSV 40.3 || OM! GOD Is The Only Reality — GOD Alone . The Immutable Absolute Reality Is Truth . || SSSV 20.1 ||
This handbook answers some of the needs of the many who have to deal with spoken Mathematics , yet have insufficient background to know the correct verbal expression for the written symbolic one .
For that year , I felt like someone who had discovered the meaning of life and could not explain it to anybody else . And in a sense , I still feel that way for the following reason .
OM! BEHOLD THE HOLY REVELATION OF OMNIMATHICS ! The Eternal Mathematical Expression of GOD that IS < ! GOD MANIFESTATION ! > within < ! GOD ABSOLUTE ! > IS thus , so named : OMNIMATHICS : GOD IS OMniMathent .
|| SSSV 56.3-4 ||
|| VOLUME I || MAINLY MECHANICS , RADIATION & HEAT || Caltech and The Feynman Lectures Website are pleased to present this online edition of The Feynman Lectures on Physics .
" Hammer on ! hammer on ! " is the first principle of success . Without work you can never succeed . A lazy person is bound to perish in the " struggle for existence " , one cannot live , one must die .
Rise to the GOD-Consciousness to such a degree that for you your past relations may become a complete blank . . . Your relation to the world should become the relation of GOD to the world ; an entire change .
From one point of view , mind and intellect are not Brahman ; but on the other hand , mind and intellect are nothing else but Brahman , even the body is nothing else but Brahman , and Everything in the world is nothing else but Brahman .
THE GOAL OF RELIGION : MY ALTER EGOS , MY OTHER SELVES | < : NOTE : GOD : States of Religious Development : 1 . Tassyaivaham : I AM GOD'S | 2 . Tavaivaham : I AM THINE ( YOURS — TO GOD ) | 3 . Twamevaham : I AM GOD ; I AM THOU ( YOU — TO GOD , MYSELF ) : >
How do criticism and evil thoughts injure you ? They injure you only when you receive them ; if you do not receive them , they will not injure you .
Can you transfer your consciousness ? Put it here , your consciousness should sit here . Can it sit here ? Now it is inside your body . It is operating through the body and you are seeing through the aperture of your eyes and then perceiving a person like me here .
Immanuel Kant is said to have been woken up by Hume from " dogmatic slumber " and brought about a " Copernican revolution " in the field of philosophy . In Kant we begin to reap the ripe fruits of philosophy , for it is here that it shows signs of its having reached maturity and full development .
Welcome to the website of Swami Krishnananda . Here you will find eBooks and articles as well as audios and videos on yoga , meditation , philosophy , scriptural texts and related subjects .
PRABODHASUDHAKARA | THE NECTAR OCEAN OF ENLIGHTENMENT | PART 2 | DEVOTION | SRI ADI SANKARACARYA | TRANSLATION & BHASYA BY SAMVID | PSNOE SERIES || The devotional fervour which the author exhibits in the four concluding sections of this work would appear to be in sharp contrast with the author's relentless pursuit of truth through rational enquiry , found in the earlier sections .
I am composing the Atmabodha , or Self-Knowledge , to serve the needs of those who have been purified through the practice of austerities, and who are peaceful in heart , free from cravings , and desirous of Liberation .
TaiU 2.1.1 | PT 1 | OM ! The knower of Brahman attains the highest . Here is a verse uttering that very fact : " Brahman is truth , knowledge , and infinite .
One who has one's mind Self-absorbed through Yoga , and who has the vision of sameness everywhere , sees this Self existing in everything , and everything in one's Self . | One who sees Me in everything , and sees all things in Me — I do not go out of one's vision , and one also is not lost to My vision .
Some minds with too much self reliance in themselves , and without considering the true nature of things , give them different forms and colours , according to their own conceptions and opinions , though far from truth .
VOL 1 | BOOK II | CHAP XVII | VERSE 10 | ON THE CONTENTS OF THE WORK | IT CONTAINS SIX BOOKS all fraught with sentences full of reason , and each distinct from the other in its import . It has many verses containing chosen examples on all subjects .
Create : 10.10.2013 | Update : 10.22.2013
There is nothing anywhere apart from the Self . There is not a blade of grass apart from the Self .
You are Immortal . You are ALL Pervasive . You are GOD . You are Great . You are Speech . You are BRAHMAN . There is no doubt of this .
That which is known as Brahman , or the Self , is the timeless Truth . Unalloyed Being , it alone is for all eternity . Nonduality is its nature .
DANGEROUS HABIT OF CONSTANT SELF JUSTIFICATION | To go on claiming this so-called freedom , which is no more than a subjection to certain ignorant cosmic forces , is to indulge in a blind contradiction and to claim the right to lead a double life
Imagination in the mind always exaggerates . Exaggeration is a modification of lie . Aspirants should not exaggerate . They should utter words with mathematical and scientific precision . An aspirant is asked to give up company and observe Mouna .
The keeping up of a daily spiritual diary is an indispensable requisite . It is certainly of paramount importance . Those who are already in the habit of keeping it know its incalculable advantages .
A little dynamite from within destroys the whole superstructure which held it . You strike one object to the core ; an atomic bomb manifests itself
Athato bhaktim vyakhyasyamah | 1. Now , therefore , we shall teach Bhakti , or the Religion of Divine Love . 2. Now , therefore , I will try to explain the process of devotional service . 3. Now , therefore , the doctrine of devotion we shall expound .
MahaBhava is a Divine Ecstasy . It shakes the body and mind to their very foundation . It is like a huge elephant entering a small hut . The house shakes to its foundation . Perhaps it falls to pieces .
Yehoshua was Transfigured , Face Shining like The Sun , Garments White as Light .
OM! I ALONE EXIST ABSOLUTELY ! | DIRECT Endless Stare At The Full Exquisitely Beautifully Expansive Unspeakable Nakedness of GOD ! Seeing Only MY Own Majesty ITSelf Eternally Knowing THAT I AM GOD !
|| SSSV 17.1 ||
The storyteller meant to lay particular stress on the importance of the sacred Mantram OM . The object is to show that this sacred syllable OM is the end of knowledge in the entire world .
< GITFO > 00330 < OM >
< GITFO > 00298 < OM >
< GITFO > 00052 < OM >
50+ RESOURCES : LCS | FIAT LINGUA | TWITTER | FACEBOOK | YOUTUBE | ETC || Conlang.org is a site for conlangers , would-be conlangers , those interested in or curious about conlangs , and anything else to do with conlanging .
This instructional VIDEO by the American Sanskrit Institute provides calligraphic letter formations & corresponding vocal utterances .
Speak little with people and speak a lot with GOD ; perhaps your heart will see GOD Most High . | One who does not know the true worth of silence will always speak nonsense .
Rama has written in simple language , the ordinary thoughts and ideas that satisfy the mind and show the Divine Vision to the writer both within and without . The whole world shining like the diamond is becoming the Divine Ocean .
Once you KNOW WITH ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY that nothing can trouble you but your own imagination , you come to disregard your desires and fears , concepts and ideas , and live by TRUTH ALONE .
What you gave up is of no importance now . What have you not given up ? Find that out and give up that .
You must have a Pure mind to realise the Self < : GOD , BRAHMAN , THE ABSOLUTE : > . Unless the mind is set free and casts away all desires , cravings , worries , delusion , pride , lust , attachment , likes and dislikes , etc , it cannot enter the domain of Supreme Peace
OM! < ! GODLANG 101 ! > INTRO VOCABULARY | OM! < ! GODLANG ! > IS INHERENT IN < GITFO > THE TEACHINGS OF SATYA सत्य | SATYAVEDISM < OM > ; and in apparent communications or correspondence with < GITFO > SATYAVATARA < OM > ( which are always TEACHINGS whether appearing to be so or not in " Relativity " )
|| SSSV 126.1 ||
|| SSSV 125 ||
OM! THE OMNIVERSAL CARE MISSION | SSSV 124 | OM! IN A < GITFO > WORLD < OM > OF < ! GOD ABUNDANCE ! > the following " basic necessities " MUST be prioritized as < ! GOD OMNIVERSAL ! > : . . .
|| SSSV 124.1 ||
OM! THE SPREAD OF < GITFO > SATYAVEDISM < OM > is < ! GOD MANIFEST ! > powerfully optimally efficiently by . . .
|| SSSV 120 ||
OM! THE 15 CARDINAL REVELATIONS OF THE PANCHAVANDANAM || SSSV 101-115 || 1 | Overview | 2 | Bodhana | 3 | Pratah | 4 | Madhya | 5 | Sayam | 6 | Zayana | 7 | Shuddhi | 8 | Asana | 9 | Vakya | 10 | Prana | 11 | Mantra | 12 | Samadhi | 13 | Prakatana | 14 | Ganitham | 15 | Appendix
|| SSSV 101-115 ||
|| SSSV 99 ||
OM! GOD REALIZATION | INTEGRAL METHODS | MANTRA || II | THE < ! GOD OM ! > MANTRA MEDITATION || 01 | < ! GOD SILENCE ! > || 1 || || 02 | REPEAT 3 < ! GOD 3OM ! > | OM! BEAD || 03 | REPEAT 27 < ! GOD OM ! > | BEAD #01-27 || . . .
|| SSSV 91 ||
OM! THE 7 CARDINAL REVELATIONS OF < ! GOD INTELLIGENCE TECHNOLOGY ! > | < ! GOD INTELTECH ! > || SSSV 74-80 || 1 | Overview | 2 | Idolatry | 3 | Speciesism | 4 | GOD Realization | 5 | End of Violence | 6 | GOD Information | 7 | Science & Language
|| SSSV 74-80 ||
OM! DECONSTRUCTION of unreal conceptual structures leads to reduction in the phenomening of false thought content , facilitating DEHYPNOTIZATION and PURIFICATION .
|| SSSV 68.3 ||
OM! GOD REALIZATION | INTEGRAL METHODS | MANTRA || I | THE < ! GOD GAEGAIR ! > MANTRA MEDITATION || 01 | < ! GOD SILENCE ! > || 1 || || 02 | REPEAT 3 < ! GOD 3OM ! > | OM! BEAD || 03 | REPEAT 27 < ! GOD GAEGAIR ! > | BEAD #01-27 || . . .
|| SSSV 61 ||
Once you KNOW WITH ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY that nothing can trouble you but your own imagination , you come to disregard your desires and fears , concepts and ideas , and live by TRUTH ALONE .
As long as the mind is there , your body and your world are there . Your world is mind-made , subjective , enclosed within the mind , fragmentary , temporary , personal , hanging on the thread of memory .
The sense " I am a person in time and space " is the poison . In a way , time itself is the poison . In time , all things come to an end and new ones are born , to be devoured in their turn .
Theory is very good indeed , but how are we to carry it into practice ? If it be absolutely impracticable , no theory is of any value whatever , except as intellectual gymnastics .
We want to worship a living GOD . I have seen nothing but GOD all my life , nor have you . To see this chair you first see GOD , and then the chair in and through GOD , GOD is everywhere saying , " I am " .
Throughout the whole range of our knowledge , the explanation which is based upon the nature of the thing itself is a scientific explanation , and an explanation which brings in an outside agent is unscientific .
The noumenon is not something different from the phenomena , but it is the very noumenon which has become the phenomena .